Some small, safe experiments can cause confusion but that could help me in the longer run. There is an example of how we can befuddle ourselves in my header illustration and at: . .
Confusion can be OK most of the time; it rattles our cage enough to promote change. It can be tricky if I am rushing along my scenic route, too pre-occupied to notice potential obstacles!
What about your experience of watching this video. Did you notice the unexpected element? For some 40% of viewers this does not happen. This might be fun in some ways, but it does mean 40% of viewers experience a small defeat without noticing it.
I say more about all this at: If you did miss the opportunity to be curious about further details in the picture then I’d ask you to reflect on the implications of not noticing your own reaction to something just a little bit different. Any time I do not just notice is a small defeat. You can be fairly sure there are a lot of times I do this.
The problem is: how can I count up what I do not know! How we feel about our small defeats and small victories can shape what we do about them.
This first example is intended to demonstrate that the design of a nudge is trickier than first appears, and yet effective change requires a series of nudges.There is, of course, yet another outcome. By now, there is a group of readers who did not reach to this point. For them, life goes on just fine – as it did before choosing to visit my website. I wish them well. There are only 24 hours in any one day and, anyway, my style of writing and reasoning will not suit all and everyone.
This website is about designing nudges and how to respond to the small victories and the small defeats you meet.