Thanks for your giving your time to my website.
You have chosen to sit The Finals Paper; this is a ‘test’ to assess your learning from all the small, safe experiments on offer.
It’s intended to be a fun way to consider what you have done.
This idea arose when one person referred to our sessions as ‘lessons’. Initially, I was put out a little, but I went on to realise there were distinct elements of ‘education’ involved.
Hence: The Learning Curve: taking a scenic route to change
…. so here’s the Finals Paper
The ‘set text’ for this examination is John Roedel‘s story poem’. My brain and heart divorced a decade ago
As I do not have permission to reproduce the entire poem here, please read his story poem on the internet at, say, at the Maggie Oliver Foundation.
In this Finals Paper – there is only one question and you set it. You do this by reading John’s story poem and you will find your question tucked in there.
Write down your answer to your own question: you can use the form below, if that helps.
When completing this Finals Paper, consider what, for you, is the best single question emerging from the set text, that is, John’s poem?
NOW, is this THE END?
…. hmm …. or is it AN END?
….. maybe just ONE END
…. seems like PART of an END?

What’s your ‘ending’ going to look like?